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We would like to inform you that the law D.lgs. n. 196 of 30 June 2003 ("Unique text for Personal data Protection") provides protection of persons and other subjects with respect to the treatment of personal data.
According to the unique text mentioned above, the treatment of data will follow a procedure based on correct principals, legality and transparency and of the protection of your privacy and of your rights.
In accordance with art. 13 del D.lgs. n.196/03, we provide you with the following information:
The treatment of data:
is directed towards the gathering of all necessary information for the expected fulfilment of the enforced regulations in theme with the treatment of personal data.
Can be directed towards the carrying out of information, commercial promotion and the control of the quality of services.
The treatment of personal data carried out with the aid of electronic goods, using methods for gathering information; registration and organisation of data; consultation, use, elaboration and interconnection of data; conservation and modification; restriction, cancellation and distribution of data.
The conferring of personal data is allowed by Forenz' snc.
The data won't be passed on to other subjects, neither will it be subject to diffusion.
The responsible party for the treatment of data is Forenz' snc, with head offices in Senago (MI).
You may exercise your rights towards the party responsible for the treatment of data at any time, according to art.7 of D.lgs.196/2003, which for your reference we have reproduced fully below:
Legislative Decree n.196/2003, Art. 7 – Rights to access of personal data and other rights
The party interested has the right to obtain confirmation on personal data about themselves whether it exists or not, even if they aren't yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form.
The interested party has the right to obtain information on:
the origin of personal data;
the purpose and method of use of information;
the logic applied in the case of the use of information with the aid of electronic goods;